Omni-Dimensional Adaptation for MobileNetV3 using Bayesian Hyperparameter Tuning

Sử dụng tối ưu Bayes để tối ưu siêu tham số cho mô hình Omni-Dimensional MobiletNetV3

  • Long
  • Nhat Quang Phan
  • Van Dat Tran
  • Duc-Long Dang
Keywords: Omni-dimensional convolution, MobileNetV3, Bayesian optimization


This paper proposes enhancing MobileNetV3 with Omni-Dimensional Dynamic Convolution (OD-Conv) to
overcome CNNs’ limitation of static convolution kernels. OD-Conv introduces multi-dimensional attention to adjust convolution kernels across spatial, input channel, output channel, and number of kernels dimensions, improving feature representation. Bayesian Optimization optimizes hyperparameters efficiently. Experiments show Omni-MobileNetV3 outperforms MobileNetV3 on CIFAR-100, Tiny ImageNet, and medical image datasets, achieving up to 3% accuracy gain while maintaining efficiency. This dynamic convolution method combined with Bayesian tuning achieves state-of-the-art results in image classification

Author Biographies

Nhat Quang Phan

Phan Nhat Quang is a third year student, studying Data Science major, at VNUK Institute for Research and Executive
Education - the University of Danang,
Danang. His current research interest is
Computer Vision, Natural Language Process, and Foundation Models.

Van Dat Tran

Tran Van Dat is a second year student,
studying Data Science major, at VN-UK
Institute for Research and Executive Education - the University of Danang, Danang.
His current research interest is Computer
Vision, Natural Language Process, and
Foundation Models.

Duc-Long Dang

Long Vo, Nhat-Quang Phan, Van-Dat Tran∗, and Duc-Long Dang∗
VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education, the University of Danang -
Danang 550000, Vietnam


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