Research and Experiment with Some Activation Functions in Sleep Stage Classification Using Deep Learning Methods
Nghiên cứu và thử nghiệm một số hàm kích hoạt trong phân lớp giai đoạn giấc ngủ sử dụng các phương pháp học sâu
Sleep disorders are becoming increasingly complex in today’s society. Analyzing sleep structure provides valuable information about sleep types, sleep cycles, and variations in different stages. However, manual sleep stage classification is challenging and time-consuming, limiting its clinical use. Deep learning methods have demonstrated promise for automated sleep stage classification, but they face challenges such as class imbalance and the need for interoperability. This paper investigates three deep learning methods, TinySleepNet, TS-TCC, and CA-TCC, using the Expanded Sleep-EDF dataset. The results indicate that TinySleepNet performs well overall, achieving an accuracy of around 80%, while TS-TCC and CA-TCC also perform relatively well with accuracies of around 70%. All three methods classify the Wake stage effectively, with accuracies reaching up to 90%, but struggle with the N1 stage, where accuracy falls below 60%. We propose methods to address these challenges, including the use of GELU, PReLU, LeakyReLU, and SinLU activation functions, which can handle negative values as alternatives to the original ReLU function, and the result can increase from 0.2-1%. Additionally, we have developed a sleep stage classification tool based on these methods.
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