An Evaluation of Pose Estimation in Video of Traditional Martial Arts Presentation

  • Nguyễn Tường Thành School of Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University Science and Technology
  • Lê Văn Hùng Tan Trao University
  • Phạm Thành Công School of Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University Science and Technology
Keywords: Estimation of keypoints, pose estimation, deep learning, skeleton, conserving and teaching traditional martial arts


Preserving, maintaining, and teaching traditional martial arts are very important activities in social life. That helps individuals preserve national culture, exercise, and practice self-defense. However, traditional martial arts have many differentposturesaswellasvariedmovementsofthebodyand body parts. The problem of estimating the actions of human body still has many challenges, such as accuracy, obscurity, and so forth. This paper begins with a review of several methods of 2-D human pose estimation on the RGB images, in which the methods of using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models have outstanding advantages in terms of processing time and accuracy. In this work we built a small dataset and used CNN for estimating keypoints and joints of actions in traditional martial arts videos. Next we applied the measurements (length of joints, deviation angle of joints, and deviation of keypoints) for evaluating pose estimation in 2-D and 3-D spaces. The estimator was trained on the classic MSCOCO Keypoints Challenge dataset, the results were evaluated on a well-known dataset of Martial Arts, Dancing, and Sports dataset. The results were quantitatively evaluated and reported in this paper.

Author Biographies

Nguyễn Tường Thành, School of Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University Science and Technology

Nguyen Tuong Thanh received B.E. degree from Hanoi University Science and Technology in 2002 in Electronics and Telecommunications; He received M.E. degree in Electronic Engineering, University of Transport and Communications. He is now PhD student in Electronic Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Currently, he is working at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Quy Nhon University. His research interests include computer vision, image processing 2-D, 3-D machine leaning, deep learning.

Lê Văn Hùng, Tan Trao University

Le Van Hung received M.Sc. degree at Faculty Information Technology- Hanoi National University of Education (2013). He received PhD degree at International Research Institute MICA HUSTCNRS/UMI - 2954 - INP Grenoble (2018). Currently, he is a lecture of Tan Trao University. His research interests include Computer vision, RANSAC and RANSAC variation and 3-D object detection, recognition, machine leaning, deep learning.

Phạm Thành Công, School of Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University Science and Technology

Pham Thanh Cong received M.Sc. degree at Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University of Technology in 1998. He received PhD degree at Electronics and Telecommunications, Turin Polytechnic University, Italy in 2010. Currently, he is a lecturer of institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University of Science and Technology. His research interests include Super high frequency technology, antennas, telecommunication systems.


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